How to foster an environment for ideas to flourish…
Many spiritual teachers will speak on the importance of our inner connection as a passage for outward change. I believe that the inward journey is the essential foundation of our creative and spiritual growth, however it is equally as important to cultivate the right external conditions for our creative nature to prosper.
Our external world can be seen as a garden that requires loving and regular attention. A garden will only grow in relation to its environment. As we re-pot and replenish garden soil, plants will grow happily and healthily. Our environment needs to be by removing that which no longer serves, aligns or supports the direction of our growth.
To determine where we need to create space, we simply need to discern where we feel “heavy”. This sensation of heaviness is often accompanied by feelings of stress, discomfort, staying small, holding, pushing or ‘stuckness’. Wherever you feel these feelings in your life, this is a clear message that something needs to shift so you can evolve.
When we begin to self reflect and explore what people, places and behaviours feel “heavy”, we have the opportunity to shift, remove, forgive or let go of those parts of ourselves to clear the way for newness to flow our way.
Our physical environment is a great place to start. Literally cleaning the home, cleaning out old cupboards and getting rid of energetically heavy objects from your life will free up space in your mind and you will have an instant sense of openness.
Our environment is a great metaphor for the mind. When the mind is consumed by negative looping thoughts, stress and tension we feel stuck, limited and overwhelmed. When our cleansed of stressful debris, through a regular meditation practice, we can receive evolutionary, insightful and creative ideas.
The spaces we occupy shape who we are and how we behave.
Once we start removing the heaviness around us, we can start to invite what feels light. That which enriches us will always feel light. This feeling I speak of is a sensory experience, it relies on instinct and intuition over the intellect. The discernment is subtle, yet powerful.
You can start by asking yourself – “What can I do today that will enrich my experience?”, then extend the question to such ideas as “who can I connect with, what can I eat and how can I speak to myself in a way that will enrich my experience today?”.
This delicate dance of inner and outer work is a means for you to regain a sense of wonder and stability in your life. Start with small sustainable steps and then move outwardly from there, taking stock of your support system and the boundaries you set for others.
The inner work is the starting point, the foundation of growth. The external work is complementary and allows you to exponentially expand, shift with the seasons and invite new inspiration into your world.
If you are disconnected from your own internal life force and vitality, then this piece will likely not resonate with you and may instead invoke an enquiry to look a little deeper.
Get curious. Take a leap and create more space to invite new experiences into your life.