How I define my creative worth…
One of the key motivators of my work is to encourage creators to value and embody the worth of their craft.
True value isn’t found in external validation, it’s found in the heart of the creator which is manifested into their work.
I believe, we live in a culture that under values creativity, and it is our individual duty to educate and advocate for the value of our art.
When artistic expression is valued, the audience receives so much more than the product or service itself. They experience the heart, the energy, the essence and the meaning that has gone into every element of that creation. The work is cherished because the audience had to stretch and meet the worth of that exchange.
For better or worse, money is a form of energy in our society and we choose to send our money on the things we value. When you don’t value your work, you can’t expect others to value it for you. If you choose to set your price based on what you think your clients will pay, this mindset is limiting and keeping you small.
If you choose to set you price based on the value of your worth, that is a fair and reasonable exchange, you have the opportunity for exponential growth and the right clients who value you will find their way to you.
Most authentic creators don’t turn their passion into a business for the money. They are driven by the acceptance that their creative expression is part of their identity. They have courageously taken a walk towards their vision in the hope that they can create a living out of their creative essence. They have chosen purpose over playing it safe, and meaning over mediocre.
Sometimes, when people come across a new work for the first time they may have no idea how much it will cost. This is an opportunity to kindly and confidently educate them about what your work, brand, skill and experience costs. If they truly value what you offer, then they will pay you what you are worth, so that a mutually beneficial exchange has occurred. If not, they are not the right client for you.
Negotiation is ok, haggling is not.
Discerning when and how to negotiate your value is all in the internal process of the creator.
Every time you say no when you mean yes, that is a form of self sabotage that will leave you with a feeling of disempowerment and discomfort. If you are offered a little to no value exchange (i.e give your art away for free or at a cheap price) allow your inner knowing to make this choice. Ask yourself: Am I feeling valued in this exchange? Am I making a difference to the community or is it an opportunity to create more awareness of my work? If you feel weird about it or if it feels like you are making yourself smaller by saying yes…then say NO.
Fear of expressing and meeting our value is linked to the deep-seated belief that we are not good enough. To change the internal script, honour your creative value.
It takes time, energy and investment to hone your craft. You are whole where you are at now. If you have a belief that you can charge your worth when you get to some place in the future, then you are living in a lack mentality. You are saying to yourself and others that you are not enough, and that mindset will continue to hold you back as you continue to create.
Valuing your art is a conversation I have time and time again with creatives and I make it my life’s work to instil in them a mindset of value and abundance around their work.
Get to know your worth. Spend time basking in self enquiry, write, explore and get a mentor. The only person who knows how much to charge is you.
Art needs to have a greater value in our culture and you are the gatekeeper of your creative worth.
If you’re interested in learning more about Creative Mentoring, you can learn more HERE.